Shepard Family Stories - Tali

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"Aunt Tali!" are the only words she hears before a blue streak rockets into her midsection. Tali glances down as she tries to catch her breath. Little Ayrene looks up at her with sheer joy in her eyes, her arms wrapped tightly around Tali's waist. "Well look at you, I can't believe how much you've grown Aya." Tali glances up to see Liara standing in the doorway with a bemused expression on her face, her hands placed on the bulge at her stomach. Tali's eyes widen "Keelah, Liara! Why didn't you tell me?" Liara chuckles, "Shepard figured your reaction would be priceless." Tali shakes her head, "That little........." Ayrene finally extricates herself from her. "Can we play Aunt Tali? "I'm sorry Aya, I've got to talk to your mom for awhile." Ayrene looks crestfallen. Tali kneels down to her eye level.  "Tell you what, I may not be able to play with you, but how would you like to play with Chiktikka vas Paus?" She activates her omni-tool and a purple sphere materializes. "Chiktikka.....activate Tag program". Ayrene giggles with delight and takes off running, the drone hot on her heels. Tali smiles to herself before turning back to Liara. "Now then.....congraulations!" She embraces Liara. They make their way to the living room. Tali helps lower Liara onto the couch, before sitting herself in a chair by the window. "I am so happy for you. At least one of us is making their relationship work." Liara's brows knit as she frowns. "Are you and Garrus having problems? Tali sighs, "Yeah, we're........taking a break. We barely get to see each other anymore since the end of the war. He's been on Palaven helping oversee the reconstruction. Combine that with me doing my part on Rannoch, the long-distance relationship isn't really working for either of us."
"Tali, I'm so sorry."
"Please, Liara. Don't tell Shepard yet. She looked so happy when she saw us together. Garrus wanted to be the one to break the news to her. Said he owed her that much."
Liara nods. "I understand. but that's not why I invited you here Tali."
Tali tilts her head to one side as Liara looks at her intently. "Tali, Shepard and I both would love it if you would be godmother to our child." Tali jerks involuntarily. "Aya?" Liara shakes her head and places her hand on the bulge. "Her." Tali's hand goes up to her face in surprise, "Keelah Liara. I don't know what to say..........yes.....keelah, of course I will. I'm honored." Bursts of laughter come from outside as Ayrene is caught by Chiktikka. Tali smiles as she walks over to sit next to Liara.
"I have to ask Liara, why ask me? Why not Ash or hell, even Wrex?" Liara gently places a hand on her arm. "Tali, it's because your one of the family and I would be honored to have you be godmother to my daughter."
"Would you care for a drink to celebrate, only for you of course." Tali shakes her head, "Alcohol doesn't agree with me, in case you've forgotten my little excess on the Normandy" Liara giggles quietly, "Emergency Induction Port." Tali playfully punches her in the arm, "Bosh'tet".
The hours pass by in the blink of an eye. Tali walks out into the yard to find Ayrene fast asleep on the grass with Chiktikka rolling around her. "Good girl Chiktikka." She bends down and lifts her up gently. She walks back to Liara and places her daughter in her arms. She brushes a finger down Ayrene's cheek. "Sleep well Aya." Tali turns to leave, when Liara's voice stops her. "You'll come for dinner next week?" Tali turns back, "Wouldn't miss it."
© 2012 - 2024 SaintWalker1806
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